I would have to say the main theme of this week was the Lord's presence.
"...Love and mercy and righteousness are His, and holiness so ineffable that no comparisons or figures will avail to express it. Only fire can give even a remote conception of it. In fire He appeared at the burning bush; in the pillar of fire He dwelt through all the long wilderness journey. The fire that glowed between the wings of the cherubim in the holy place was called the 'shekinah,' the Presence, through the years of Israel's glory, and when the Old had given place to the New, he came at Pentecost as a fiery flame and rested upon each disciple."
After reading this paragraph in Tozer's "Pursuit of God", I wanted to know more. The term "shekinah" stood out in particular. I knew little about the term, so I decided to do some research. This is what I found:
Lord, I have an aching desire right now to feel your presence in this way. You’ve given me a glimpse of what Shekinah is, and Lord, I want it. I invite you to completely tear the veil to my heart. I invite you in to your holy of holies in my heart to dwell there. I want to know the fullness of your Holy Spirit burning within me. I know it is already there ready to meet with me, so I offer myself. Take your place Lord.
"...Love and mercy and righteousness are His, and holiness so ineffable that no comparisons or figures will avail to express it. Only fire can give even a remote conception of it. In fire He appeared at the burning bush; in the pillar of fire He dwelt through all the long wilderness journey. The fire that glowed between the wings of the cherubim in the holy place was called the 'shekinah,' the Presence, through the years of Israel's glory, and when the Old had given place to the New, he came at Pentecost as a fiery flame and rested upon each disciple."
After reading this paragraph in Tozer's "Pursuit of God", I wanted to know more. The term "shekinah" stood out in particular. I knew little about the term, so I decided to do some research. This is what I found:
- shekinah does not actually appear in the translated Bible
- means the "dwelling" or "settling"
- denotes the dwelling/settling of the divine presence of God (especially in the Temple in Jerusalem)
- comes from the Hebrew verb meaning settle, inhabit, or dwell
- Can also refer to birds' nesting (I thought this was an interesting translation because of the parallel between the Spirit nesting/making his home within us.)
- examples:
- The glory of the LORD dwelt on Mount Sinai, and the cloud covered it six days. And on the seventh day he called to Moses out of the midst of the cloud. (Exodus 24:16)
- And Moses was not able to enter the tent of meeting because the cloud settled on it, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle. (Exodus 40:35)
- So it was always: the cloud covered it by day and the appearance of fire by night. And whenever the cloud lifted from over the tent, after that the people of Israel set out, and in the place where the cloud settled down, there the people of Israel camped. (Numbers 9:16-17)
- And the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as from the only son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)
The next day I read the chapter about rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem and Nehemiah's heart for the city in "The Story," and yet again I was reminded of the Lord's presence. When Nehemiah gets the news that the wall is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire, he just sits down and weeps (Nehemiah 1: 3-4). He mourns for days. Nehemiah was upset because Jerusalem was where the temple was (the center of how God was bringing the world back to him), and it was completely exposed. Within the temple, dwelt the Shekinah in the holy of holies. Nehemiah had a sweetly reverent heart for the Lord's presence. His heart broke for what broke the Lord's heart.
In the chapter's corresponding sermon, the pastor asked a question to the extent of,
“Is your heart too preoccupied to allow it to break for what breaks the Lord’s
This really hit me. Looking at Nehemiah's heart, it made me examine my own. Do I cherish the presence of the Lord like Nehemiah did? Is my heart broken for the abundance of people that don't understand His grace?
"Shekinah Glory" by Cory Asbury
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