Sunday, July 21, 2013

LT (Week 10)

Less than 2 weeks...

My mind has been extremely busy this week--making it difficult to spend time with the Lord. Of course the future--near and far--is still a forerunner of the seemingly endless list of thoughts that pass through each day. I've felt pretty discontent with myself for not making time for the Lord. I'm anxious to leave, and I'm anxious for this next semester. However, Wednesday morning He sweetly reminded me of my need for Him once again. I felt the Lord really putting it on my heart to have a night of prayer and worship, literally a whole night. So, after LT service on Tuesday several of us gathered in one of the chapels to pursue prayer and worship into the morning hours. Within that time I was reminded of the Lord's true love for me (kind of a recent theme), and my unquestionable need for Him. As I read through Romans 8 the Lord made this extremely clear:

..."but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, 'Abba! Father!'"...
...."the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words"...
..."Christ Jesus is the one who died--who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us"... 
..."nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

As it got to be around 5am, I found myself in a state of weakness and vulnerability. My voice was tired of singing and my fingers sore from playing, but that's when He stepped in. Why won't you let Me provide you with strength Jordan? "Because I'm worshiping you. Wouldn't that be counterproductive?" Nope. In that moment I was reminded that I even need His help to worship Him. Worship isn't a simple task I pursue individually. No, it's an intricately woven meeting of my heart with His. 

What the Lord's been teaching me this week: 
-I'm still in need of constant reminders of His love for me. 
-I'm still in need of constant reminders of my desperation and need for Him. 

I've been horrible at taking pics these last couple of weeks, so here's some more from earlier in the summer:
 Spending the day at Kind Coffee with Sharon, Meagan, and Julie. 

Enjoying some Hayley's Ice Cream in Estes. 

I found snow! (On the Emerald Lake hike.)

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