Monday, July 29, 2013

LT (Week 11)

Well, I started my last work week Friday. As I'm trying to hangout with as many people as possible before we go back to our respective campuses, I'm reminded that this is "getting real". Soon, several of the people I've been living with and working with everyday for the past 3 months will not be returning to Texas with me. I knew it was bound to happen, but it's just becoming more and more undeniable. I think I am in a slight state of denial though. I'm sure as I drive out of the mountains for the last time this summer in 7 days, it will hit me...

This week has been pretty difficult. A couple insecurities have crept into my thoughts as I'm attempting to stay focused on keeping a positive attitude about being here. I've been writing for a couple weeks about my struggles with being present, but I think I've about hit a breaking point. I feel exhausted from being here (spiritually and physically). It should be no surprise to me that in a place of weakness, I'm vulnerable to attack. But, for some reason it took me a little by surprise. I quickly turned to self-condemning thoughts--telling myself that I've already accepted freedom from these things. While this is completely true, the enemy loves to twist even the acceptance of freedom.

However, this week was not difficult for negative reasons alone.

Several weeks ago I had mentioned that a couple relationships with different people had been put on my heart. I had written, "I'm afraid to go deeper in complete fear that doing so would be neither received or appreciated." Well, the Lord pretty clearly labeled that statement as a lie this week. This week the Lord gave me a renewed hope for those relationships. It doesn't mean the strengthening process is easy---it never is. At first, I experienced every single type of emotion when thinking about these relationships. However, through processing with the Lord's help, I've been able to see the bigger picture of what he's doing. Things are being pieced together, and it's a beautiful picture. I truly trust the Lord now. I can see how he's already bringing restoration to these areas, and it is so so sweet.

Some pics from this week:
My awesome project group after we bought these lovely clothes for each other from a thrift store.

My precious lifegroup (Tierra, Alaina, and Jessie). 

Some of the International students I've met this summer. 

During the making of our Avengers-themed project group video. 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

LT (Week 10)

Less than 2 weeks...

My mind has been extremely busy this week--making it difficult to spend time with the Lord. Of course the future--near and far--is still a forerunner of the seemingly endless list of thoughts that pass through each day. I've felt pretty discontent with myself for not making time for the Lord. I'm anxious to leave, and I'm anxious for this next semester. However, Wednesday morning He sweetly reminded me of my need for Him once again. I felt the Lord really putting it on my heart to have a night of prayer and worship, literally a whole night. So, after LT service on Tuesday several of us gathered in one of the chapels to pursue prayer and worship into the morning hours. Within that time I was reminded of the Lord's true love for me (kind of a recent theme), and my unquestionable need for Him. As I read through Romans 8 the Lord made this extremely clear:

..."but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, 'Abba! Father!'"...
...."the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words"...
..."Christ Jesus is the one who died--who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us"... 
..."nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

As it got to be around 5am, I found myself in a state of weakness and vulnerability. My voice was tired of singing and my fingers sore from playing, but that's when He stepped in. Why won't you let Me provide you with strength Jordan? "Because I'm worshiping you. Wouldn't that be counterproductive?" Nope. In that moment I was reminded that I even need His help to worship Him. Worship isn't a simple task I pursue individually. No, it's an intricately woven meeting of my heart with His. 

What the Lord's been teaching me this week: 
-I'm still in need of constant reminders of His love for me. 
-I'm still in need of constant reminders of my desperation and need for Him. 

I've been horrible at taking pics these last couple of weeks, so here's some more from earlier in the summer:
 Spending the day at Kind Coffee with Sharon, Meagan, and Julie. 

Enjoying some Hayley's Ice Cream in Estes. 

I found snow! (On the Emerald Lake hike.)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

LT (Week 9)

All I have to say is...3 weeks. In that short amount of time, I will be leaving this beautiful place I've called home for the summer. While I am expectantly awaiting the day I will drive Petunia out of the mountains, there is no doubt it will be a bittersweet feeling. It has definitely been a struggle to be in the present...

Leaving is not the only bittersweet idea consuming my thoughts this week. This week in particular marks a year since I rode a horse out of the arena at the Palomino World Championship Horse Show. As the World Show roles around once again, a wide variety of emotions begin to surface. Some days I long to be on a horse so badly I can hardly stand it, but I quickly draw back at the thought of the deep seeds of pride and success so deeply wound around my heart during that time. A year ago the Lord told me to check my priorities. That's when I realized I had made winning an idol. Honestly, I soaked up the rewards that accompanied showing horses--feelings of accomplishment and prestige. This week has been a time to step back and reflect on the journey the Lord has taken me on in the past year...I kind of feel like journey might be an understatement. Maybe "odyssey"* would be more appropriate?  

I've been apathetic, and I've been sensitive. I've been broken in certain areas and healed in others. I've learned how to hurt, and I've learned how to forgive. At moments, I've been completely filled with joy. At moments, I've been completely overcome by loneliness and depression. I've feared for the future. I've rejoiced in His promises.  I've been proud. I've been humbled. I've been bitter at the Lord, and I've wept in desperation for Him. 

Around this time last year, I got an image of this painting. Initially a white canvas was presented. Paint of various colors began to pollute the emptiness--strokes and splatters in seemingly random chaos. Each stroke looked grotesque as the colors began to clash against one another, fighting to distract the eye. After several strokes, however, the colors began to compliment each other in an oddly unforeseen way.  Finally, after taking a step back the masterpiece that existed before me was exquisite. I couldn't believe that something so intricately beautiful had come from a once bare canvas. 

In the past year, the Lord has been doing His fair share of "polluting" on the canvas of my heart. So, even though this week has brought up emotionally delicate memories, He has reminded me of the masterpiece He's continually working on. For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us a new in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. (Eph. 2:10)

Some pics for the week...
Nathan, me, Kat, and Kyle enjoying a day off in Boulder. 

Me and Sawyu before she left for Thailand. 

Beautiful sunrise at Mountainside.

*odyssey: a long and eventful journey; a ridiculously legit homegroup (ironic much?) 

Saturday, July 6, 2013

LT (Week 8)

This week was so good...until Wednesday. 

I've been feeling really restless about being here, and I have the desire to run away from it. I’m so tired of being stuck in this routine. After talking to a couple different people, the answer seemed clear...I needed a Sabbath--just a day completely devoted to meeting with the Lord. So, I set my alarm for 5am, threw my guitar, a hammock, and my backpack in Petunia Prius and drove up to Mountainside to watch the sunrise Wednesday morning. I had every intention of staying up on the mountain the whole day, but when I sensed that the presence of the Lord was completely absent, I became overwhelmingly anxious. I tried worshipping. I tried reading the Word. I tried praying. I tried being silent...

I drove back down the mountain and decided it was time to get away. Without really any direction or plan, I found myself on the highway to Boulder. All I wanted to do was spend time with the Lord, and if that required driving a while by myself I was completely fine with that. I actually enjoy driving time because Petunia Prius usually doubles as a prayer room. So as I drove, I cried out to the Lord in confusion about what was happening. Longing for intimacy with him, I prayed "Let's go away together Lord. Take me on an adventure today." When I arrived in Boulder, I found a little coffee shop and began to journal. However, anxiety began to overwhelm me once again as I processed through what I was actually feeling. I'm really anxious about what the future holds and how I'm going to get there. I'm anxious about the time between now and then. I'm anxious about having to be in the present. 

That night, I feel like the Lord gave me a picture of a puzzle piece. This summer he's revealed a couple tiny puzzle pieces. While those pieces may be extremely important to the purpose of what will happen in the next 5 years, they don't provide the details about years 1 through 4. Faith will be required to wait patiently as the Lord unveils the other 499 pieces of the puzzle in his timing

While it's exciting to have vision for the next year, I need to be here now. I still have a whole month left of LT. Obviously there is still things the Lord wants to teach me, or I wouldn't have had a day like Wednesday. He's not done growing me, shaping me, molding me. I will always be his work in progress. So, while the future is extremely exciting, the Lord has me right here, right now 

What the Lord has been teaching me this week:
-He's not done with me this summer.
-I will continually be a "work in progress." 
-He will be faithful in unveiling the rest of the puzzle, but only in his timing. 

Some Pics from this Week: 
Sunrise from Mountainside.

Mr. Elk. 

Wildflowers at the outdoor chapel. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Longing for Heavenly Things

Hey, check out this blog. I read it this morning, and it was such an encouragement!